Today was our first full day at Ft. Wilderness at Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida. We took a day of rest and just went out for breakfast at Perkins restaurant and then went and got groceries to put in our little refrigerator.
This was an relaxing day - we even drove around in our rented golf cart.
This is my first try at doing a post on my iPhone using BlogPress I hope that it's going to work so let's give it a try.
We found out that Walt Disney World has upgraded its Wi-Fi effective today it' free. They're doing it in stages so right now Wi-Fi at the campground is now free but it's still only available at their hotspots. We were told that by the end of the year it should be available at the campsites too. I'm sending this via our iPhone's 3G network. Wish me luck!
Yeah.. You made it and free WiFi too. Have fun. I hear the weather has been nice down that way.