I posted about the new family room Lazy Boy chairs we ordered last week.
I'm bringing a touch of red with light blue into the family room with this fabric.

Currently I have Country Curtains in the "Cabin Check" pattern....two sets of Austrian valances - one in burgundy and another in tan.

Usually the tan valances are up for spring and summer and the burgundy set is hung for fall and winter.
I love the "Cabin Check" valances because they are washable.
Unfortunately the Buffalo Check shown below isn't.

Susan (Between Naps on the Porch) fame has recently posted about her beautiful yellow buffalo check curtains in her office (here).
I loved them!
And immediately I started dreaming about switching to Buffalo Check valances in our family room.

I got out my Country Curtains catalog to look at the Buffalo Check valances again and noticed (loved) the RED Buffalo Check.
I think I may order two new sets in Buffalo Check - one in yellow (it's listed as "gold") and another in red.
I still like the Austrian valance style but I may go with the Pleated Scalloped valance for a different look for the family room.
I may order a fabric sample of the two colors before I order any valances just to make sure of the color.
Do you like the Buffalo Check?

My craft/sewing room is coming along.
I had to take a break the last couple days when the bursitis in my hip was bothering me.
Last week I bought an OttLite floor lamp at Michaels with a 50% off coupon.
Love those coupons!
And I love these lamps.
I have two now for my sewing table.
Lots of good natural light to see by.

I've been researching cutting table options for my craft/sewing room.
I looked at IKEA tables and even thought about making one.
They run from cheap (make your own) to very expensive professional ones.
I finally saw two Horn cutting tables in person at a local sewing store that fit all of my requirements except for the price.

I bought Hubby back to the store to make sure he felt we could get either one down into our basement. After his inspection and approval I chose the sturdier one... it's well made and has wheels, nice storage and extends to a sufficient cutting area if needed. It's about twice what I wanted to pay but I didn't want to compromise quality to save money. Luckily we got it on sale (20% off) because of a promotion and it's tax free shopping in the state of Delaware. So we saved a little bit.

One reason it's sturdy is it weights almost 300 pounds!
We may have to get help getting it into our basement.
I have to wait until September for delivery.

I love it!
It's worth the wait...after all I waited until I was 65 to finally get a cutting table.
What's a couple more days!

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