That was a surprise! That's my first blogger award EVER.
Well, thanks so much Sewing Daisies...that was very sweet of you and I really appreciated your thoughtfulness. Please take a moment to visit Sewing Daisies. Heidi has the most stylish blog (here) herself and she features her fantastic crochet & sewing projects with the most stunning photos.
Now I'm suppose to tell you seven things about myself that you wouldn't know.
- I can tell the correct time without a watch or clock most of the time. It always surprises my hubby that I have this ability and he thinks I'm pretty accurate.
- On the other hand, I have no sense of direction. At all. Forget the men directions... i.e., North, South, East, means nothing to me. Luckily my hubby was born with a map in his head and the best sense of direction par none. As long as he is with me I don't get lost.
- I love all things techie...computers, TVs, phones...any electrical gadget that I can play with and have fun. Hubby comes to the rescue...he installs everything and then tells me how the gadget works.
- I HATE to grocery shop. I will put it off indefinitely if I could. I'm lucky my hubby doesn't mind and he goes with me to help out whenever he can get me to go. Needless to say some of our orders are quite large when we do go.
- I like to type but I dislike handwriting. I'm a lefty and regardless of how I hold my left hand the ink will smear somewhere on the paper before I finish writing. Plus, I don't know why, but my hand gets very tired quickly when I write. Now typing I'm great at...I took a typing course in high school to help me in college and it was one of the best things I ever did. And I like spell check because I'm a lousy speller.
- Both my Dad and I were the 3rd child. My Dad's father was 25 when my Dad was born and my Dad was 25 when I was born. I had the sweetest father any girl could ever have and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss him terribly. That's my handsome Dad in the photo below.
- I was a Philosophy major in college. I met my hubby in "Philosophy of Law" class. He has the brains (and common sense). I have common sense (but no brains). We met when we were both late for our first evening class... with my hubby-to-be arriving just before me (neither of us were ever late to a class before this). I walked in and there were only three guys sitting there so I asked if this was "Philosophy of Law". As my future hubby joked out loud that it wasn't... I noticed that there was a message written on the board that the class had been moved to another room... so I pointed that out to the clueless guys. They hadn't noticed the sign so I guess it was a good thing I showed up. Anyways my future hubby and I walked together down to the class and we are still together almost 40 years later. Best class I ever took!
Now I'm suppose to pass this award on to another blogger or bloggers but I would rather not do that.
Instead my practice is to frequently highlight a favorite blogger of mine on my blog. That just seems to work for me.
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day.