I'm having fun adding different bands of color to my Christmas Round Ripple.
It's getting bigger too.
Luckily I'm not.
We had such good results losing weight last year by counting calories we are continuing the practice this year too. How much did we lose? I lost 35 pounds and Hubby lost almost 40!
Just the other day I discovered a neat app, MyNetDiary, for our iPhones. It's an app that tracks our daily calories by meal and automatically totals our daily meals for us. It keeps track of our weight too. No more manually writing down the foods we eat in a notebook and fussing with the calculations. After trying out the free version we ended up buying the upgraded app version - it's under $5 and well worth it.
I have just two New Year's resolutions - continue to lose weight and add more RED in my life!
Back to crocheting...I'm running out of the lime green color but I'm pretty much done with it.
Next I plan to add another white band maybe with some of these fancy yarns.
Are you the type that plans out your color design and stitches ahead of time?
Or do you sort of "wing it" like I do?
In this band I added another two rounds of variegated yarn in red, white and dark green.
I may have to get on a step ladder to take the next photos.
I think I want to name this one...something better than just Christmas Round Ripple.
Any suggestions?
And there are more REDs to enjoy with our host, Sue, at
It's A Very Cherry World
for REDnesday!