Well, I do.
I miss Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion magazine!
Mary needs our help to convince a publisher and advertisers that re-publishing Home Companion would be a worthy endeavor.
If you miss Home Companion, like I do, please go to Mary's website (here) and leave a comment...even if it's only to say "Count me in". I left my message...leave your message too.
Pass the word around...if we all help out with Mary's petition, it's possible we can get this fabulous magazine again.
Spread the word via your blogs, Facebook and emails.
Let's show them the power of a jillgillion women!
Tell Mary you want the Home Companion, you need the Home Companion and you will buy the Home Companion!!!
Come on...we can do it!!!
I'm spreading the word here:
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
I'm spreading the word here:
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Yes, I miss it very much! I am headed over to Mary's website now. Thanks so much for posting about it!