Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blooming Flower Petal Cushion & Other New Stuff

My Blooming Flower Petal Cushion

As I promised a few days ago here are some photos of my recently finished...

Blooming Flower Petal Cushion

I blogged about it (here) and (here) perviously.   

We have had such dark overcast days here this week.  This morning I finally got around to cleaning out the interior of our car.  The sun was sort of out when I started and blocked by clouds when I finished.  It was so dark in our garage.  It took me a little over two hours to clean the interior.  It had been so long since it had been cleaned out that I had to take carpet cleaner to the rugs up front.   The UPS postman delivered a package while I was busy slaving away with the car.

After lunch Hubby and I opened our package.  I we have a new toy to play with thanks to my sweet Hubby.  He bought me a light box and a set of two lamps to help with my blog picture taking on those dark days.  I will let him "play" with it too.

All of these photos today were taken in the EZ Cube light box...I had to try it out! 


The same yarn colors were used on the back just in a different order than the front of the cushion.


I had some muslin fabric on hand so I cut out two circles the size of the top and stitched it up on my trusty New Home sewing machine and filled it with stuffing I had on hand too.  I figured I would have trouble finding a ready made pillow insert the right size and it would probably be more expensive than I wanted to pay.   My homemade one was free.  

If any of you want to try to crochet your own Blooming Flower Petal Cushion you can find the pattern (here) thanks to the gracious Lucy at Attic24

Now back to our surprise package!

We laid out our new photography equipment on our kitchen island.

New photography equipment!

I could have made a white box fairly cheap out of a cardboard box but we liked this system from Table Top Studios (website here) because you can fold down the light box so easily.  

When I'm not using it I can put it away out of sight.  

No big awkward cardboard box taking up room even when not in use. 

The EZ Cube light box folded all up is the round flat white object in the photo above.  

EZ-Cube light box set up!

This is how big our EZ Cube light box is when set up!  

We decided to go a little bigger in size just in case we have a larger object. 

We also purchased two new lamps too.   

The light lamp hoods are black fabric too so they fold down nicely when not in use.

New things to play with and learn about.  

Hopefully it will help me with my blog photo taking especially on dark, rainy days.   

New project in the works!

This is a sneak peek of what I am working on now. 

Can you guess what it is?   

Please join me for:
                                    Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday                                
                              Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
                                        Wendy at The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday
                               Donna at Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special
Cielo at The House in the Roses for Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Lit & Laundry for Finished For Friday
Annmarie's Crochet Blog (here)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hooked On Red

Let's start off with a beautiful red, white & blue flower.

How about a cute red and white hooked rug...isn't this black lamb sweet?

Moving on to a stunning red and white hooked pillow.

What every gal needs...a pretty red dress!

More lovely hooked rugs in shades of red and yellow!  

And there are more REDs to enjoy with our host, Sue, at 

It's A Very Cherry World

for REDnesday!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What's Happening this Fall

Candy Corn and Candles!  

Holy Cow!  

Halloween is more popular than ever and more folks are decorating for Fall, Halloween and Thanksgiving.  

While I like and enjoy the sunny & cooler days of Fall, Christmas still remains my favorite time of the year.

Everything is still green here and humid too which is so strange for September.  

Daisies and pumpkins!  How cute!

We'll be at Ft. Wilderness Campground in Walt Disney World this Halloween so I won't be decorating this year.
I'm so excited about our upcoming trip to Florida.

In celebration of my big milestone 65th birthday this November Hubby is really treating me like a queen and has reserved 16 nights (15 days) at my favorite place to visit - Walt Disney World!   

We're going to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party on Halloween night too.  You have to pay extra for this special outing in the Magic Kingdom held on selected nights from 7 PM to Midnight.  This will be our first time going to one of these events.

Cinderella's Castle at Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party!


Disney puts on the best fireworks EVER!

My Motto!

So true...

Are we there yet?????


Monday, September 26, 2011

Blue Monday

What is it about blue and white?

Next to red my favorite color is blue.  

Sometimes blue tops red and sometimes red tops blue depending on my mood or the season I guess.

A blue bedroom is soooo soothing.

Blue plates in a cute dinette...and I like yellow with blue.  

These yellow chairs give just the right amount of pop.

Yes...oh,, oh, my.   

Don't these cupcakes look delicious and so pretty in blue!

Both Sarah and her witty assistant, Tommy Smythe, love to use ikat pattern fabric.  

I didn't even know this type of pattern had a name until I watched their show.  

This is a beautiful blue and white, love, love it!

Now that I think about it...a crocheted ripple throw in blue and white ~ in an ikat pattern ~ would be so bluetiful!

I want these blue and white shoes and I don't even wear heels anymore!

My Disney character keys!

We were out shopping today at our mall and I found keys in the Disney characters.  

I just had to get them...they had Tinkerbelle, Lady & the Tramp, Minnie Mouse and Winne the Pooh.  

I got two sets for each vehicle.  I love them!  

I finished my crocheted Petal Flower cushion yesterday but I'm waiting until we have some sunshine to take photos.  It's just too dark and overcast here this week so far. 

So you have to keep coming back!

Join me for:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I'll Take One in Pink!

I'm loving these pink tennis balls.

This is a beautiful pink box...filled with yummy Hershey's Kisses! 

 I wonder if the Kisses are pink too?

I've never seen a pink egg yolk before.  How clever.

How lovely...a pink suitcase!

I received a set of blue luggage as my high school graduation gift from my parents.   

What a simply divine token from a sweetheart...a pink heart ring!

My motto always!

And finally my favorite fairy in pink...Tinkerbelle!

Welcome to Beverly's Pink Saturday .  Click on her link to see more PINK!

Also take a moment to visit one of my favorite blogs, Ash Tree Cottage, to see her love of pinks in Pinterest.  I feel like we could be sisters as we both love pink and red.   

Friday, September 23, 2011

Do you miss Home Companion??

Well, I do.

I miss Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion magazine!

Mary needs our help to convince a publisher and advertisers that re-publishing Home Companion would be a worthy endeavor.  

If you miss Home Companion, like I do, please go to Mary's website (here) and leave a comment...even if it's only to say "Count me in".   I left my message...leave your message too.

Pass the word around...if we all help out with Mary's petition, it's possible we can get this fabulous magazine again.   

Spread the word via your blogs, Facebook and emails.

Let's show them the power of a jillgillion women!  

Tell Mary you want the Home Companion, you need the Home Companion and you will buy the Home Companion!!!

Come on...we can do it!!!

I'm spreading the word here:

Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday    

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Easy Home Made Chalkboard Sign

I love all the home made chalkboards I've seen in blogs and Pinterest.  

I thought I would give it a try and make my own.  

Last year I bought some Chalkboard paint in black.  

The project stalled until one day I thought about my wooden Merry Christmas sign.  The back side is blank.  I could use the blank side all year as a chalkboard and turn it around for Christmas. 

So I finally gathered up my supplies...the Merry Christmas sign, chalkboard black paint, scissors, painter's blue tape and a paper bag. 

I had left over paint samples from Benjamin Moore in a light shade so I used that for my primer on the back of the Merry Christmas sign.  My Hubby came up and saw I was painting on our kitchen island and said I wouldn't let him do that...and he was right...I wouldn't.  

I sprayed the chalkboard black paint outdoors...two coats...letting each coat dry over night.

This is the first saying I used on my new Chalkboard sign.

Right now the sign is just balanced on my stove.  I may use the removable Command 3M strips to hold it up on the tile wall so I don't have to worry about it falling down.

I changed it to this saying today.  

I use the chalk ink pens in white.

The only negative so far is the chalk ink doesn't completely can very faintly see the previous writing.   I guess I can live with that.    

A great place to find good sayings is on Pinterest.

Hope I've inspired you to try making your own chalkboard.

It was fun and easy.

I think for my next one I will use another chalkboard color paint....maybe light blue.

Please join me for:
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday                                
Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
          Wendy at The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday
Donna at Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special

Cielo at The House in the Roses for Show Off Your Cottage Monday
Blog Hop 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm Dotty about Red! & white poka dots flats!

Love, just love this red dress with the white dot buttons!

What gal wouldn't want these red and white dot nails?

Isn't this a cute dotty plate setting?

Ending up my REDnesday with lots of aqua and red dots!  

And there are more REDs to enjoy with our host, Sue, at 

It's A Very Cherry World

for REDnesday!