
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We Love Black Beauty!

Today I finished Black Beauty!

My teddy bears love her!

  Beauty started out as a throw but she turned into a blanket.  Her finished size is 6 feet by 7 feet... 14 granny square rows by 16 granny squares or 224 granny squares total.  You may remember that I used 16 different colors plus white and black to outline the granny squares.  The yarn is Caron Simply Soft, a 4 ply, 100% acrylic super duper very soft yarn.  I used an H hook.

I have lots of left over granny squares (67!) from this project and am already planning what to do with them.  But it's a secret so you will have to wait to see what I do.

 I thought I would NEVER finish the edging - it just ate up the yarn.  I just had enough of the off white color to finish the last round.  I wish you could see her in person as I must admit she is quite a beauty.

I can't get the teddies to leave her!

She is almost too large to lay out in our family room.  This photo is slightly out of focus but I was standing on a small step stool holding the camera way up above my head to try to get the whole blanket in the photo.   What lengths we bloggers will go through to get our photos.  LOL!

All nicely folded.  This is the fanciest edging I've ever done.  I slightly modified an edging I liked from one of my pattern books.

The black and white really makes the granny squares POP!

My next project is to crochet a baby throw for our great nephew, Lucas, who is due to POP out into the world in November.   When I mentioned to my SIL that my hubby and I would become a great Uncle and great Aunt... she replied we already were "GREAT."  Wasn't that sweet?  

I also blogged about Black Beauty (here), (here), (here) and (here).     

Sandy at Teacup Lane


  1. Absolutely beautiful & as a fellow crocheter "What a lot of work!!" I love how the white outlines the colors & makes them POP!!

  2. Wow - your blanket turned out great. I have yet to make anything with black yarn but every time I see a blanket that uses black it makes me want to start even more - I'm really liking the contrast!

  3. your blanket is gorgeous, i love it

  4. I love black beauty too! Oh my gosh, its gorgeous. I want one too.

    Absolutely supurb. Clever girl! You,ve done a tremendous job on this one and should be very proud.

  6. Stunning. Wasn't a yarn eater. Love all the pictures. What's next my friend.

    New Telephoto. But, I think I'm going to still have the Macro as my fav.

  7. Wow, that edging absolutely makes that blanket! Well worth the time you put into it, I'd say. The whole thing is gorgeous. What a treasure.

  8. Wow, what a lot of work, but it was worth it, yes? That blanket is beautiful, and the edging makes it even more so. I don't think I've ever seen a prettier edging.

  9. Wow when were you working on this one it's huge? What an eye catcher.

  10. She is a beauty!!!!! What a HUGE effort - well done.
    And as I have recently been corrected by hubby's nephew, your "Great Aunt/Uncle" correct terminology is actaully "Grand Aunt/Uncle". But I still prefer to call hubby "Great Uncle" :-)))))))

  11. Hi Sandy,
    Well Black Beauty turned out just beautiful! Very, very nice.

  12. How wonderful this is!!! Not that I need distraction, this makes me want to make a big old black-bordered granny blanket too! And I understand how throws metamorphose into full-out blankets. What lovely work this is. And the Caron Simply Soft is a pleasure to work with. Hope you get tons of enjoyment from this one!

    September 17, 2010 2:40 PM

  13. What a beautiful blanket! Great job, Sandy!
