
Saturday, July 7, 2012

My DREAM Craft Room

What I wouldn't give to have a craft room like the ones I found on Pinterest.

Something in pink to delight the senses...

Something modern...

More pink for the little girl in all of us...

Lots of storage in this lovely turquoise craft room (love the chady)....

So colorful here to inspire one...

And make one's heart sing...

Yep, even more PINK...

I love the black and white checkered tile floor. 

 So easy to clean.

Enough fantasizing - here is reality. 

 My cluttered mess...

Once upon a time these table surfaces were clean and mostly empty (click here to see it clean)

 The large wooden cabinet in the corner is leaving my craft area - we are moving it to my Hubby's Model Train room for his use.

Sorry for the burry photos - no natural light down here in the finished basement.

The two tables will be moved into the corner against the walls where the cabinet was previously.

Here's my plan...

Once the tables are in the corner against the walls I will order my cutting table to be placed where the tables were out in the open space.

We may purchase some IKEA cabinets to put on the wall above the tables...someday....

Hubby is building me shelves sort of like these in my storage closet so I can put away all the stuff sitting out on my tables. 

 At least that is my goal.

A gal can hope, can't she?

I can DREAM!

Stay tuned - it's a work in progress. 

 It won't be cutesy. 

But maybe functional at best.

 Do you have a dream craft area?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. What amazing rooms. I can just imagine that yours be incredible too. Can't wait to see the progression.

  2. I love the turquoise room and the one with the checkered floor. It is great to have a finished basement, I miss mine so much. I am sure your room will be terrific. xo

  3. Some fabulous craft rooms, especially the top one. I would love a room just for crafting, at the moment everything is spread everywhere! One day.......
    Carol xx

  4. Cannot wait to see the finished product. So much lovely inspiration. Your room is going to turn out lovely. Looks like a great spot to start with - good bones you could say.

  5. I do have a dream art studio! Does that count? I did the same thing....I found wonderful inspiring photos of workspaces to help me decide what I wanted....

    I hope you and your hubbie an execute your plan! :D I know your craft room is going to be so pretty and functional when you're done.


  6. Your craft room looks like mine! Love the first pink one but could live with any of them!

  7. Lovely craft rooms! Yours is great, too, and shows you actually use it. :) I have an art studio and I love it! I am very blessed to have a place to do my art and crafting. Have fun revamping your crafting room!

    Blessings - Julie

  8. Some beautiful places. Mine wouldn't stay tidy for very long, I'm sure!Ros

  9. They do look lovely....but do you think anyone actually works in them? They look far too tidy - yours looks like a creative person uses it!
