
Monday, April 19, 2021

Early Spring & Snow Forecasted

 The trees have budded out here in Ohio.  It’s the earliest Spring I can remember in a long time.  And then up popped a weather forecast on my iPhone today advising that heavy snow of 3 to 5 inches is forecasted for this Tuesday night.  I’m tired of snow.  My Serviceberry tree in the front flowered a few days ago too.

Lots of changes happening here in my neighborhood.  Across the street a new house is being built on the empty lot.  It’s been empty the whole six years I’ve been here.  The geese used to build their nests there and raise their young.

And behind our property line for our street the Davey Tree workers came through and torn down a 20 foot strip of trees to install drainage for the new homes (28 homes!) that will be built behind us.  The builder “promised” that no more trees will be cut down but I’ll believe it when I see it.  They let the huge trees fall into the wooded area they didn’t cut and unfortunately lots of uncut trees were damaged.  This area is considered wet lands and it wasn’t to be cut or disturbed.  Today the workers came back to remove most, but not all, of the trees they cut down.

Today I spent most of the day cleaning my granite kitchen counter tops and stainless steel appliances.  I really like the Method Stainless Cleaner.  Boy does it shine the appliances!

I made strawberry shortcake again for the second time this year.  It’s turned into a family favorite dessert. 

We have used our BBQ grill already too.  

I have always used Bisquick’s shortbread recipe to make my shortcake.  

And, of course, lots of Reddi Wip Whip cream!

We love our doggies, senior gal Jewels and puppy, Lucky.

Lucky is so adorable and sweet.  He loves all his toys.

He is spoil rotten of course. 

Getting sleepy.

Eyes closed.  Toy still in his mouth.

Jewels in the meantime sleeps a lot.

Thanks for visiting and have a good day!


  1. Hope the weather does not bring snow. I think snow is finally over here in South Central PA. I use Bisquick for my shortcake too, quick and easy and delicious. Have a safe week and be well well.

    1. I miss PA. We loved living there in SE (we were 2 miles from the Delaware border). Tax free shopping!

  2. Just a quick note to let you know I've ordered the first four Gently books. I can't wait to start reading!

  3. You will love them! I’ve ordered all I could find in paperback, plus three hardcover used library ones and several on Kindle when I couldn’t get them in paperback. I have BookBuddy app to inventory my books. I have 34 of the Gently series so far.

  4. You will love them! I’ve ordered all I could find in paperback, plus three hardcover used library ones and several on Kindle when I couldn’t get them in paperback. I have BookBuddy app to inventory my books. I have 34 of the Gently series so far.
