
Thursday, August 20, 2020

First T Shirt quilt

 Long time since I’ve blogged for many reasons.  I hate the “green box” that shows up on every post.  I’ve tried to get rid of it unsuccessfully even asking a blog professional for help.  If I post from Bloglovin’ the “green box” doesn’t show up but the post also doesn’t show up under my blog in Blogger.  So unfortunately that horrible “green box” is still there.  Update:  I contacted Blogger and they told me what HTML code to remove the green box.  I’m so happy it is gone.

The main reason I haven’t blogged in the last five years is that I’m a widow now.  I lost my beloved hubby four months after we moved into our new retirement home in 2015 that he had built for us.  I couldn’t do many things that I enjoyed in the past.  And anyone who has lost a love one knows how hard it is to face everyday alone.  So many things to learn and take care of that my sweetheart handled so well.  I have to “googled” everything to figure out all the technical issues.  Luckily, I have family and friends for support but it doesn’t fill the emptiness and longing for my hubby.

The house and hobbies keep me busy.  I have a cousin who is an experienced quilter and she has introduced me to the world of quilting.  If I haven’t learned so much from her, I wouldn’t have tried to do a T shirt quilt.  A family member going off to college this month asked me to make one for her.  With the COVID 19 it took forever to get supplies...knit interfacing etc.  I was able to find an excellent video on the steps to make this quilt plus use my niece’s heat press to apply the interfacing.  I tried to free motion quilt a few blocks but had so much trouble controlling the weight of the quilt to move it, I ripped it all out and continued using the dual feed foot (walking foot) on my Janome 15000 and that worked liked a dream.  All said and done I was very pleased with it.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandy, It's so nice to see you back. I, like you lost my beloved husband in December 2014. I know exactly what you are going through. Bless you.

    I love your quilt. You do such lovely work and I look forward to seeing more in the future.

    Best wishes and keep safe.

    Mary x
