
Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Source:  Pinerest

Strange 4th of July.

It's windy and overcast here.  

The rain has moved on and we are hoping we will have sunshine later today. 

I didn't put our flag outside because of the rain instead I taped flags up on our front windows and hung a few on our front door. 

Now I don't have to care about the rain.

The flags are protected from the weather.

We're fussy with our flag - we don't like to leave it out overnight unless it is lite up. 

Love German Shepards!

Remember years ago when it wasn't considered "proper" to wear our flag as an article of clothing?  

I'm still not comfortable seeing the flag draped on one's body (i.e.,  as a swimsuit etc).  

What about you?

Happy Independence Day to all of you!


  1. I don't mind seeing flags on shirts. But when I see it on the butt-side of shorts or worn very provocatively, I think it's disrespectful to what it represents and all the men and women who have died protecting it. Just because it's your "right" to do it, doesn't make it right. That's just me.
    It's been so coooool all day we've been lucky. We didn't have any special plans as we're trying to get a project done at home. But, we just got a call to come over for steak and watch fireworks at a friend's house. Considering our kitchen's been torn apart all day, this is a blessing!

  2. I agree about wearing the flag due to respect, but I really love the image with the German shepherd....I love them! I had two growing-up.


  3. I believe it is not correct to use the flag as a table cover, etc. I looked it up online a few years ago. The sun came out here later in the afternoon and it was a nice low humidity night. Today it is glorious! Rather quiet too, so me and the birdies are happy. They do not like loud noises!
