
Monday, May 13, 2013

Pin Cushion Amoré

Want a great way to use up all those small lengths of yarn in your stash?

Try this fun and easy pin cushion pattern (here). 

I have pin cushion AMORE!

I'm crocheting tons of them to give away as gifts for family and friends.  I'm on my seventh one.  I think about twenty-ish will give me the quantity I need for  Christmas gifts for the Bunco gals plus my sister-in-laws and nieces.  

I've used two ways to wrap the yarn around the corners.  

The first way is on the outside which creates a lovely flower as shown below.  

The second way is to insert the needle inside the the single crochet enclosure which creates a more round pin cushion (see photo below).  

I like both ways but maybe now I'm favoring the flower method more.  

I finally finished the laundry from our U.K. Trip and now we're packing our "Little Guy" - that's our name for our tiny travel van - for our road trip this week. 

We had to re-winterize after our Florida trip this past Jan-Feb and remove all liquids.

It takes more time to set up our first trip after winter. 

Hubby de-winterized and filled the water tank.

We re-stocked the van with fresh bedding, clothes and supplies.

We re-organized a few cabinets too. 

On the trip agenda are two RV Rallies, a visit to the head waters of the Mississippi and maybe one or two visits to Class B RV Manufacturers in the mid-west.  

Hubby is planning our route so if we decide to go home at any time we can within a day or two. 

We aren't summer campers...we prefer spring and fall seasons for two reasons - we don't like hot weather or busy campgrounds in the summertime.

It's been a strange day...dark and overcast at times and then the sun comes out.

Just weird and on the cool side too.

We're packing warm weather clothing because it's still on the cold side in upper Michigan where our first Class B RV Rally takes place.  They had snow yesterday!

There's just over 30 vans and about 60 plus people signed up.

Our outdoor activities are in a large tent since the campground doesn't have a meeting room. 

I better get busy.    

Have a lovely day!


  1. I might have a go at those pin cushions.HAVE A GREAT TRIP.

  2. Wow, on the go again!! Good for you. Mississippi was causing terrible floods a few weeks back, hope it has settled down. It is cool here today but sunny. Pin cushions are adorable. xo

  3. those are so cute!
    I want to make one. I'm working on my sewing skills so a nice pin cushion would certainly come in handy.
    Have a fun and safe trip!
