
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Little Blackie the Blankie

Last night I finished my black and white ripple Vintage V-Stitch Blanket

 This is the blankie where I goofed on the double V-stitchs in the "mountains" of the pattern. 

 And since I liked the look of my goofed stitches I kept going. 

But... my blanket is a little smaller due to my error modification.

Doesn't "Blackie the Blankie" pop next to my red, pink and white Gingham Afghan?

I had thought to make the "Blackie the Blankie" larger by expanding the border but I decided I liked the simple V-Stitch border of black.

So I stuck to the pattern.

Love, love both of these baby blankies.

"Blackie the Blankie" measures only 22 inches by 24 inches.

It could be used for a newborn, an infant car seat, a stroller or at least be a doll blankie.

I've already picked my colors out of my yarn stash to crochet a five-color blanket...

...but this time I will follow the pattern

We leave next week for Florida and Walt Disney World so this project will go with me. 

I did something funny had a Senior Moment yesterday.  

Hubby drove me to my hair dresser yesterday and dropped me off. 

Checking in I discovered my hair appointment (which is always on a Tuesday) was for Wednesday this month.

So I had to call Hubby back and he didn't get the message until he was already home.

It was funny...we had a good laugh...

 ...and it was no big deal since we are retired and didn't have anything planned for the day.

The kicker was my iPhone going off while I'm there reminding me of my hair appointment the next day. 



  1. Sandy, the black and white is also beautiful. How stunning the two blankets look together. Waiting for my book to get here with the gingham ... which is ok, have quite a few going right now. I love getting a project ready to take on a trip. Old habits die hard, just used to the Tues. appt, that's all...did get a laugh too as I could see me doing that. Have a great day.

  2. Sandy, that is too funny. I completely forgot a haircut appointment on November 1st, just a couple of days after Superstorm Sandy. My hairdresser called me a few minutes before the appointment time, and silly me thought she was just checking in to see how I had fared!!! Completely slipped my mind, I thought it was in the middle of the month. She had no power and it had just come back on, so it worked out. Ay yay yay. xo Both blankies look great.

  3. Oh my word your so quick. It's taking me forever just to do a 123 stitch ripple lol

  4. What a stunning blanket. I think you need to do a bigger one!! Same with the red gingham one. They are both very unusual.Have a good trip.
