
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Gingham Blanklet

I got restless last night and probably FINALLY tired of crocheting doilies. 

 I wanted something NEW to crochet.

I grabbed some crochet books and started looking through them for INSPIRATION. 

 I spent time in Ravelry looking at Santas. 

I must find something!

Nothing was happening until my eye caught this cute gingham blanket in Melody Griffiths' book "crochet afghans." 

 That looked interesting...a gingham blanket {{{yippee}}} a new stitch to try.

I pulled some shades of red, blue and green Caron Simply Soft yarn I had in my stash. 

 I decided to go with a ruby red (forgot the name of it), pink (watermelon) and white for the three colors. 

 I'm using an H hook.

I worked up three looked ok but not the bottom. 

 You could see my yarn colors threads stretching across the back. 

 That didn't seem right but I couldn't see how else to do it. 

 Then I studied the book's photos and realized Melody showed both the front and back of her throw.

 There were no threads loose across the back. 

 Obviously I wasn't doing the stitch correctly. 

 I googled "gingham stitch video" and found a video for this stitch.

It wasn't a great video - no close ups - but the author's commentary helped me figured it out.

Back to my project...frogged back to the ruby red foundation second row and started again. 

 This time it worked like a charm. 

 This gingham pattern is tiny just three double crochets - but you could make it larger if you wished.

This stitch would be great for potholders too. 

 It may not be the last time I use this interesting stitch.

I highly recommend Melody Griffiths' book "crocheted afghans.

 You may remember I made her "Sunshine and Shadows" throw previously (see it here).  

That's the beautiful afghan shown on the cover of her book!

Off to another sweet DO NOTHING day except what I want to do. 

 Life is GREAT!


  1. Enjoy your day doing whatever strikes your fancy!

  2. I have so many of these do nothing days, the less I do the less I want to do! I have projects lined up, working on to do lists, and I need to keep pushing myself! But right now, I am enjoying my trip through Blogland, sipping a cup of coffee, and just musing. Life IS good. xo

  3. Oh Sandy! I LOVE IT! And the colors are PERFECT. I have long been a Melody Griffiths fan. Can't wait to see this finished up.
    I will have to get my hands on this beautiful book.
    Happy New Year,

  4. Now that's really cool. You've inspired me. It looks difficult. I'll have to check out that book.

  5. You're such a productive person who never does nothing !! Glad that you are enjoying your leisure time. This gingham pattern is lovely.

  6. This is too funny...I'm JUST getting ready to start a gingham look scarf - and decided to check blogger before settling in for the evening with my hook. I've been wondering if I'm going to run into problems with the stitch...and now I'm thrilled to have this video you've shared for reference. Thanks! I love the color you're using! Hugs, Annette

  7. I'm back and it's a little bit after the last comment. I am now quite a few rows into the gingham scarf I decided to create. Wanted to share the link to the original that inspired me in case you find it of interest too.

    I can't tell you just how handy it was to have seen the video you shared! I always wondered how to hide that bit of yarn that is left over when you drop the color and pick it up later. It makes so much sense now that I know how...makes me wonder why I didn't figure that out by myself!!! LOL

  8. You had me at "gingham"! Very nice. I will look forward to seeing this develope. H.N.Y. Sandy!

  9. I love the look of your gingham blanket! I've had one saved, but it's made from 4-round granny squares in different shades, so it is interesting to see this one done differently. Love the colors. I'm looking forward to following your progress.

  10. Gingham :)((LOVE)) ..I am going to have to make one of these !
