
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Working Clusters

I don't know what is wrong with me (duh...) I just couldn't follow the pattern for the cluster round (green leaves). 

 It never looked right - too many "yarn overs" for me - so I referenced Jan Eaton's book, "The Encyclopedia of Crochet Techniques", again.  Love Jan's book.  The diagrams are wonderful.

 Finally after practicing to see what looked good to me,  I made a cluster of three double crochets for each leaf. 

 I liked the results and that's what I ended up stitching for this round. 

 I think it's neat the way the green round is a circle.

I just had to see how the completed squares would look like so I crocheted the four color combinations last night.

Just two more flower colors to put the leaves on.

I'm in LOVE !

Anymore of you crocheters out there that want this cute pattern to make your own... on Fruit Punch Tote above to download pdf file (pattern).  

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Oh Yes please,these are just so pretty :))
    love them,xxx

  2. Oh, they are beautiful! :) I so wish I could crochet, I try and try and try but I can only do straight line scarfs! haha!

    Jerra xx

  3. hi sandy...visiting your lovely blog from pammy sue' invest both time and energy into your blog posts and it is a lovely place to visit...i've read through some of the older posts and upon seeing the remote control power surge strip we found it at lowe's ....however the remote unit itself was not emitting a waiting for a new store shipment...through your hard endeavors you are now successful with the fruit punch tote squares...might i request a link to the pattern...checked on joann's web site and could not find same...and today went to the store and though there were many free patterns of crafts with only a few of crochet/knitting there was not the fruit punch tote pattern...i thank you and look forward to visiting often and following your work...thank you. ceci

    1. Hi Ceci,
      Thank you so much for the lovely comments. I'm so glad you found me through Pammy Sue's blog. She's a sweetie and a hoot. Regarding the pattern for the Fruit Punch Tote - I also looked at Joann's website and couldn't find any link to their free patterns. However, Hubby downloaded the pattern into a pdf file for me. If you send me your email address I can email a copy to you. Second regarding the remote control power surge strip from Lowe's. Ours didn't work at first either. Hubby put in a new battery and played with it (taking it in and out several times) to see if the problem was just the battery connections. Then he clicked it on and off until he finally got it to work. So you may have to fuss with yours too at first. Hope this helps you out. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks again for visiting me!

  4. Oooh yes. It's starting to take shape nicely.

    I think you've twisted my arm into getting hld of a copy of this :)

    Ruby x

  5. Wow Sandy....looking good! I can't wait to see the finished project.
    Smiles, DianeM
    P.S. - I love the tune playing in the background....sounds like something from Harry Potter.

  6. Oooo, I would love to have the pattern for the square you are working on here. It's such a happy square and I am almost finished with the tote I am making from Lucy's pattern at Attic 24. I love the inspiration you provide here. jackson6110 at bellsouth dot net

    Peggie Sue
