
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sunday Drive in the Country

Sunday we took our travel van out for a drive to beautiful Lancaster Pennsylvania. 

 Our van has been in storage and hasn't been driven for a few weeks so we like to get it out. 

 Plus we wanted to get out of the house too.

Lancaster is about an hour drive from our home. 

 It's a well known Mennonite farming community in a huge valley with the most beautiful scenery.

On our way home we stopped in Strasburg (est. 1773) at the Strasburg corner store for a delicious home-made ice cream cone.   

 A single cone dip was very generous!

Click (here) for things to do in Strasburg.

Apparently much of the filming of the movie "Witness" with Harrison Ford was filmed at a near-by farm.  
(Built 1754)

On the way out of town I tried to take some photos of the historic homes from the van. 

 Not easily accomplished in a moving vehicle. 

 The day was overcast too so the photos are a little dark.

Strasburg is a historic town - just a crossroad in the countryside. 

 They have tiny front yards landscaped beautifully.

You can take a ride on a real stream engine train in Strasburg and visit this huge fantastic indoor and outdoor train museum.

Back to the adorable homes overflowing with pretty flower boxes and brick sidewalks.

America flags proudly displayed.

Even log homes.

Shuttered windows and cute porches.

Iron fences surrounding tiny flowers gardens with brick pathways.

More log homes with blooming flowers and patriotic flags flying in the wind.

We weren't the only ones out for a Sunday drive!
(Source:  Pinterest)

Such a cute, big eyed kitty!

Hope you enjoyed a little tour of Strasburg, PA!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. How fun! I feel like I was there with you.

  2. LOVE Lancaster, Penn. I was there a couple weeks ago.

  3. I love Lancaster county. I love Kitchen Kettle Village. I think I was in Strasberg once. I seem to remember the corner ice cream parlor. Your photos are great, Sandy. Love those beautiful homes. xo

  4. When the boys were younger, we used to go to Lascaster and strasburg. We would take them down to Dutch Wonderland! It was a great park for yourng children! We did go to Strasburg to the railroad museum but that was about 20 years ago. I have not been down that way in about 15 years...


  5. Such beautiful old homes I loved the tour.

  6. Just taking a moment today to pop by my friends in blogland. This is one of my favorite towns to visit. My brother and fam live out that way, but it's been a while since we've visited. Thanks for the reminder just how pretty it really is out there. Hasn't lost it's charm either. It's finally cooling down here, how's about there....
