
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Never Ending Story

Now that some carpets have been cleaned here at Teacup Lane I can return to my craft/sewing room clean up project - my Never Ending Story

 Of course we still have to move all the furniture and stuff back into the upstairs rooms. Ugh!

Yeah...this statement about sums it up for my house. 

I love a neat, clean home but that doesn't mean that's what we always have here. 

 One can dream...

I plan to work on sorting through these piles on my tables today with the goal of having a clean, clear surface some day. 

 Yes, Pammy Sue, I know it probably won't stay that way though! 


Next I have to sort through the piles on the left side of our media room. That is all the stuff that use to be stored in my craft closet. 

 The wall unit on the right with all the white boxes is where all our photos from 38 years of marriage plus tons of photos inherited from both sets of parents are stored. 

 Sorting though all of those photos is a future project.

I started stocking the shelves in my craft closet. 

I'm so thrilled with the results. 

 Hubby has put up lots of these over the years. 

 Now it's fairly easy for him since he purchased a fancy German brand saw cutting table and saw a few years ago.

This is the other side of my craft/sewing room that you haven't seen much of lately. 

 That's my paternal grandmother's vintage sewing cabinet that houses her vintage Singer sewing machine which still runs beautifully. 

 My grandma made beautiful dresses on this machine for all of her granddaughters and even a few for my Mom.

Thanks for all the sweet comments you have left me as I make this journey to a better organized craft/sewing room.   I'm looking forward to finishing the re-organization so I can cutesy up the space.  

 We are so lucky to have a finished basement to house our hobbies.

Just a word about my method of blog posting for those who are interested. I have been mostly using the BlogPress app to do my postings since getting my iPhone. It's just quicker to select photos taken with my iPhone and post them through this app with my iPhone. The old way I took pictures with my Canon PowerShot camera, then had to manually download the disc onto my Apple laptop. Once I post on BlogPress I immediately get on my laptop and save the posting as a "draft" so I can "clean it up a bit". I resize the photos to extra large, make any corrections (typing on the iPhone with one finger doesn't compare to fast two hand typing I can do on my laptop) and add additional text if needed. I also have the Blogger app on my iPhone which works well for posting too but I tend to use the BlogPress app more frequently.

Currently I have 2,088 photos on my iPhone camera roll.  Every so often I download my iPhone photos onto my laptop and delete them on my iPhone.  I'm not very good keeping up with this task - usually my Hubby has to remind me.  We store all of our photos on an exterior hard drive for safe keeping.  However, I do like to also have them handy on my laptop's iPhoto program.   This is my current method there are probably better ways to do photos and posting but this method works for me now that I have an iPhone.   I would encourage you to get an iPhone or Smart Phone - they are amazing tech tools to help you organize your life in so many ways!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Sandy, you're so lucky to have a dedicated craft area at home.

    Aren't Smartphones simply the best? I have an iPhone4 and like you I use it for blogging too. I use the free Wordpress app for my blog. My phone is always with me and it's perfect for capturing those on the spur moments. Plus, it saves all that faffing about with transferring pictures from a camera.

    I haven't looked at Blogpress yet so I may go and have a looky see :)

    Ruby x

  2. I love how you have your collection of photos in boxes... I too have photos inherited from both sides of the families...
    I also like the cross-stitched *Healthy/Happy * saying...

    keep plugging away, and posting pictures (however you do it) I'm encouraged that I too will finally get my act together one day, Pat

  3. always find some inspiration when I visit here! The carpeting on my steps needs to be done. I haven't posted and really don't miss it, not that I am stopping, but I always enjoyed the visiting and commenting so much more. xo

  4. The craft room is coming on so well that you'll soon have it organised.

  5. I can commiserate with having to put things away. I am repainting my kitchen and consequently have a sea of dishes and food items in my dining and living room in the meantime. Gonna be glad when the project is done in another couple of days!
