
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Little Green Flowers

Nope, I didn't care for this look...

at all...

Way too curly for me!

So I'm stitching the edges of the limelight green yarn flower petals down with the lighter green slip stitching around each stem through to the bottom then chaining three stitches repeating all around the flower.

Now each little green flower is lying nice and flat.

I'm 1/4 of the way around the green flower border.

As I'm working on tacking down my green flower border my mind is busy thinking about how to finish the edging. 

 So far I'm leaning towards an edging in white.

A photo of my Rose Garden throw made it into Flickr's Explore...and then was "dropped" along with my other three photos that were in Explore. 

I guess they don't like my photos anymore. 

 I was surprised any of mine made it into their "interesting" category at all. 

 If I didn't have a gadget set to alert me I would never even know because Flickr doesn't alert you and I don't have time to look through 500 photos a day that make Explore. 

 Shout out to Flickr - why can't you send an email to members with a notice of their photos making Explore???? 

 Likewise when you "drop" them too. 

 Just asking...seems easy to do and is good customer service. 

 At least I can go to a 3rd party (thank you BigHugeLabs scout!) now to find my Explore photos - dropped or otherwise.

It's another beautiful day here in Pennsylvania...sunny, warm with no humidity. I love to sit out on our screened in porch crocheting, listening to music and drinking a good cup of coffee.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I like the idea of white for the edging, Sandy. At least it wasn't a button or such that got removed, like mine did from PhotoBucket! No clue until I just happened to see it missing on someone's blogroll! lol xo

  2. What a good idea on the little flowers. This is working up so beautifully. If I were Flickr I would not have dropped you!

  3. Great job sharing the process with us!
