
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What To Do With My Stash?

And boy do I  !

I've tried storing my yarn stash in different areas of our home. 

 In bins in our family room bins in our finished basement...unfortunately none of these arrangements were working out.  

It was a nuisance pain in the butt to have to move the bins around to see what yarn was available.  

N.O.T. working until...I emptied a bookcase in my our upstairs Teddy Bear/Sitting room.

So far this new arrangement seems to be working and I love being able to see all of my yarn at a glance.

My cotton yarn is in the white bins on the floor to the left.

Yep, running out of space here already!   

I hope to borrow steal another spare book case from our upstairs library to use for my yarn storage.

We're taking off in our travel van for Williamsburg, VA for a few days soon as UPS truck makes a delivery.  We're hoping it won't be late so we can get on the road.  But we have to be here for this shipment of frozen meats.  It may be a long travel day for us.  If it's too late we'll just delay our departure until tomorrow morning.   

We made dinner reservations at the Kings Arm Tavern for Thursday night in the Williamsburg historic district.  

It's sort of a tradition for us to eat there if we can.  

We were pleased to see that several of the historic taverns were open for business this year which hasn't always been the case in past years.  

PS - And just in case you are wondering...Y.E.S. my crochet yarn is packed for the trip!   

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Love the 'have the balls to prove it' ! Have a great trip. Are you going to visit Busch gardens?

  2. Oh man, you are getting organized and I am green with envy. ;-) My yarn is in 2...or 3 huge Rubbermaid bins and it is not pretty!

    Have a great trip!

  3. I think your book case yarn storage is a great idea. Have a wonderful trip. Enjoy. xo

  4. Wow!
    Though I would be concerned about dust, etc. "Pardon me, do you have a yarn duster"? :-)

  5. we are planning a trip to Williamsburg this summer. I remember as a kid eating in one of the taverns there. I can't remember which one though. Also are you planning to visit the pottery outlet too? That was one of my mom's favorite places to stop and shop!

  6. Looking forward to seeing pics from your trip! Have fun!!
