
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Relaxing Day On Our Porch

Hubby and I sat out on our screened in porch this morning after breakfast bird watching.

Our Serviceberry tree next to our deck is loaded with berries. 

And the birds are having a feast dining on the fruit.

We loaded two birding apps - Peterson and Sibley Birds - on our iPhones recently. 

 So this morning we started our bird list adding our first six birds.

I'm taking a break to make egg salad sandwiches for lunch. 

 We plan to grill hot dogs for supper.

Our Kousa Dogwood which is a native dogwood is in full flowered bloom.

This tree will one day reach about 25 feet tall. 

 We may add one or two more for privacy on our side yard.

Here's a close up of the beautiful Dogwood flowers.

We've signed up for another Pleasure Way van rally - this one is in New Jersey (close to home) in June.

The campground is close to Atlantic City which is only an hour drive from us.  

{{All Patriotic photos from Pinterest.}}

Love the black lab with our Stars and Stripes!

I loved playing Sousa marches in band in high school (and later as an adult in a community band) on my clarinet.

Cute cupcake flag simple to do!

Bless our U.S.A. veterans and military service folks on this Memorial Day Weekend!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Sounds like a wonderful relaxing day. I love the idea of the bird apps. And the cupcake flag is adorable, but I am no good with frosting! xo

  2. Those flowers are bu-t-ful !!!
    Happy Memorial Day.

  3. Enjoy your day. Sounds relaxing. I love my iphone and apps. I'm getting ready for "National Glamping" weekend. Can't wait to get away.

  4. Happy Memorial day dear Sandy, love the view from your porch and I adore those dogwood flowers.;)
