
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How About White?

There I am...crocheting away last night on my red and green Granny Roses with my mind wandering like it does when I crochet.  Do you do that too? 

 Thinking ahead on how to finish off the edging once the body of my red and green roses are completed.

What about WHITE roses????

Instead of heading up to bed as I planned, I grabbed my crochet hook to quickly whip up a white Granny Rose sample using green as the leaves with a red border.

I had to see what it would look like!

(no patience)

Of course I still have one panel of three rows to crochet of the red and green roses (27 roses suckers). 

Now I've added on an additional 39 more roses in white...

What's 39 more???


A breeze... 

(I lie)

Then I'll just add a simple white edging to set off the red border of white roses.

I have my design in my head!  

'Cause I'm too smart lazy to write it down.

I'm in love with my white Granny Rose!

Now for more historic Williamsburg, Virginia photos for your enjoyment...

The bedding was beautiful...

All researched to reflect the homes as they were decorated in the 1770s...
I so WANT this bed!!!!

I assumed the wood frame around the top of the bed was hand painted to match the bedding.

So when I saw the "painted" frame again on this bed I asked the guide...

She said the frame is not painted ~ it's fabric glued down on the wood frame.

Isn't it just stunning!

Just a note these are homes for the "gentry," NOT your average citizen.   

One is born into this high social class.

Gentry (origin Old French genterie, from gentil, "high-born, noble") denotes "well-born and well-bred people" of high social class, especially in the past.   Gentry, in its widest connotation, refers to people of good social position connected to landed estates, upper levels of the clergy, and "gentle" families of long descent who may never have obtained the official right to bear a coat of arms.

In England, the term often refers to the social class of the landed aristocracy or to the minor aristocracy whose income derives from their large landholdings.[3]

A tavern bar keeper out for a ride.

(I'm holding onto my Hubby and my red iPhone!)

Well, I must get back to my laundry...hate to leave you...

 But unfortunately I'm not "gentry" and I have house keeping to do!

I would rather be sleeping like this kitty...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I really, really like the white rose square with red - it compliments your red rose and green rose squares beautifully!

  2. Yep, the white roses are gorgeous! They'll look great with the others. That kitty made me laugh. Hee-hee.

  3. I absolutely LOVE those white roses with the red border - very Christmas-y (and pretty)indeed :-)

  4. The white rose is my FAVE! I could see a throw with all white roses. xo

  5. Ha, ha ! Funny picture!
    Love your latest project.

  6. White rose is beautiful. Love all the Williamsburg pictures, my favorite place.

  7. I'm thinking that cat HAS to be real because his little ears and toes are so pink?

    Lovely Williamsburg pictures and congrats on your bench cover - very inviting!

    We just finished hiring M.M. on a refurb - we had to call them back as there were lots of things that hadn't been touched... tut tut

    All the best !
