
Monday, March 12, 2012

Bench Cover

Remember this stitch?

It's called "Wool-Eater" - find Sarah London's patterns (here).

I have an old cast iron bench handed down from my parents that my Dad covered with a white vinyl fabric. I like his cover but my butt sticks to it. Several years ago I sewed a cover out of a white towel to place over the vinyl. That cover is wearing out and I've been dreaming about a crocheted cover for it. When I found this stitch in an oblong pattern I knew this was the one to cover my bench perfectly.

Our Master Bath is decorated in blue and white and I just happened to have a huge skein of Lily's Sugar n' Cream cotton yarn in those colors. 

 The width is I have to make the length longer and then add a skirt.

We arrived home from our Disney World trip yesterday evening...24 days away from home with 18 nights spent at WDW. What a wonderful vacation. 

 Yeah...even retirees need a "vacation". 


The good news is I didn't gain any weight while on our trip...the bad news is I didn't lose any either. Being sick for half of the time meant I wasn't as active as I would have we didn't walk as much as I would have liked.

I decided to start exercising more frequently so today I walked a brisk 1.1 miles around our neighborhood...we even have some slight hills. Hope I can keep it up. Today is beautiful...sunny and cool just perfect conditions for walking.

Thanks for visiting me!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Your bench cover will be perfect. Glad to see you are back home safely after an adventurous time at Disney. Good job on the walking. Keep it up. I add an extra block each time I go. I'm up to 2.7 miles now after only being at it one month. The weather doesn't hurt here either. I feel kind of strange heading to Florida for a month, when it's so nice here. Winter just didn't make it to Chicago this year at all. I'm sure I will be happy once I'm down there and walking the beaches. It's nice taking this brief blogging break to, after 3 years I needed it for us a while. I'll be back I'm sure.

  2. That stitch fascinates me. I need to find a tutorial and give it a whirl! Your vacation sounds fabulous! I wish I'd done more of that with my daughter when she was younger. Now, everyone has schedules and it's hard to find the time to be together! Annette

  3. That stictch looks like honeycomb and I can't wait to see the finished result.

  4. Welcome home! Glad y'all had a good time and were able to get away from retired life for awhile. Ha-ha-ha. And way to go on the walking and not gaining weight while you were gone. That's hard to do sometimes!

  5. This is an easy stitch once you get started. Love the colors! Did you know Annie's Attic has a booklet featuring this stitch? They call it something else, I can't remember what.
    I would love to visit Disney World!

  6. Looking good. Thinking of making a cover for my chair. Will try this pattern soon.
