
Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Study in Pink

Doesn't this make you want to get those embroidery needles & pink thread out?

Ah, a pretty pink floral pillowcase resting on that lovely white Chenille bedspread!

I love Chenille bedspreads - have two of them! 

They are so soft and wash up beautifully.

Throw the diet out the door and eat stuff yourself with a yummy pink frosting cupcake in pretty pink paper cups with pink beads!

I love this lovely design pattern especially in pink - it rocks my socks!

Must have...a pink wall with plates!

I'm going to make a pink granny square or ripple throw - I swear by the end of this year!

I wonder how much this beautiful pinkish ring costs?

Who cares!

Get it anyhow!

If you have the pink wall you must also have a pink mailbox!  

That's according to Murphy's Pink Laws.

And lastly let's add in a pink clothed cute little doggie for all you pink lovers.

Don't ya just want to pick this sweetie pie up and hug and kiss her!

Welcome to Beverly's Pink Saturday .  Click on her link to see more PINK


  1. Love all the pink, wish I had stat pink mail box, Laura

  2. HPS!

    Love this post! I am also on Pinterest, love it! Well, I would take the chair and the sweet Chihuahua face for me...


  3. Hi Sandy,
    Wow! What wonderful pinks! Love that chair, the mailbox, and ring! The linens are gorgeous too. I was by to visit you several times last week but I couldn't get into your blog or leave a comment. So many glitches this past year. I hope this one goes through. Anyway, Happy Pink Saturday and I hope you're having a delightfully pink weekend.


  4. I love the pink afghan. I am sure you will make one. xo

  5. Cute pink wall and of course the mail box! Visiting from Pink Saturday!!

  6. Love all your pinks, especially that chair...and the cupcake is simply calling my name. :)

  7. Hi Sandy all these pinks are lovely especially that pink afghan. Yes you must make one like that! That embroidery I love it but can't sit through it all.

  8. What great pinks! Yes, I want to start embroidery or better yet, let my mother! Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. Gorgeous! Happy Pink Saturday!

    My PINK, have a great weekend!

  10. Nothing quite like PINK for a woman's soul is there! Can't get enough of it myself. Your photos are beautiful!!!

  11. What pretty pink things you've shared!!! I really love the picture on your sidebar of all of your crocheted pieces. Wow!


  12. Hi! Your blog is beautiful. Yesterday, I was introducing a friend of mine to the world of blogging. I showed her your blog via Beverly's Pink Saturday. We fell in love with it instantly.

    I, too, am a crocheter. I love your work.

