
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Starting the Christmas Season!

It's been a busy day here at Teacup Lane.  

We dragged out all of the Christmas boxes and tested all the outdoor Christmas lights.  We just finished putting the lights on our front bushes and hanging our Green Garland over the front door.  It's suppose to rain the next three days so I wanted to get the exterior Christmas lights done today.

I'm on a roll...for once...I should finish our Christmas cards this weekend so they can be mailed Monday.  That's the earliest our cards have ever gone out.  LOL!

With our garage freezer dead as a door nail I have to hold off baking my Christmas cookies until just before Christmas.  Usually I spend the Thanksgiving weekend baking and frosting them and into the freezer they go until Christmas.  But not this schedule is turned upside down this year.

I still have to decorate my front door and put lights out on the screened in porch rails.    Once that is done then the outside is finished. 

Check out these Christmas treats (click on the photo).

These would be fun to make for the holidays.

Isn't this little guy cute?  

We don't have any of this white stuff yet.

In fact, today and yesterday were warm here in the low 60s.   Some of our trees and bushes are all mixed up with blooms coming out on them!

I didn't have to wear gloves or even a coat outside while stringing the lights.

Just click on the above photo for 34 yummy morning casseroles for the holidays!

My laugh for the day!

Have a lovely day and thanks so much for visiting!


  1. I love the Dear Santa! You have been busy today. I do a little bit each day, my neighbors did take advantage of the weather to do their outside stuff. xo

  2. HAHAHA the dear thats a good one!
    Thanks for making me laugh!

    visiting you from

    Im new to blogging! ya!


  3. Good luck with those cards. But, get outside while you can. I think there is some rain coming your way. Glad to hear someone got those boxes of decor out and started. We were raking up that last tree on Friday night in the dark. I loved that picture of the squirrel the minute I saw it too.

  4. hahaha I love that.......
    Isn't the squirrel cute, we get them regularly, they pinch the bird seed, trouble is they hoover it all up so, after a while, I go and shoo them off, but the cheeky so and so's just hide and come back as soon as I go inside.
    Hope we don't have too much of the white stuff this winter, just a nice covering on Christmas day would be perfect.
    Carol xx
