
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sitting Pretty!

Sitting Pretty!

My teddy bears, Sam and Tiercy, are wishing you a very wonderful summer weekend!

Sam is the brown Ty bear and Tiercy is the cute, girl bear with the rose head band.  Tiercy is my paternal Grandmother's name and I always thought that it was an unusual and pretty name which fits this adorable teddy bear just perfectly.

Vintage Wicker and two cute Teddy Bears, Tiercy and Sam.

This vintage wicker chair is one of a pair handed down from my paternal Grandparents to my parents and then to me.  

I first remember seeing them on my Grandparents' screened porch in a house they were renting in either Akron or Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio back in the 1950s.  

My Mom had the cushions recovered in this pretty fabric for her Florida room years ago.  Check out one of my previous posts (here) about my sewing project with some of this left over fabric.

Please join me for:

Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
                                Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
                                          Wendy at The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday
Donna at Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special
Cielo at The House in the Roses for Show Off Your Cottage Monday


Welcome to Beverly's Pink Saturday .  Click on her link to see more PINK!



  1. Dolci e teneri,questi pupazzetti!Rosetta

  2. What a wonderful piece to have, and what wonderful memories to have.

  3. What a sweet post, love that chair. xo,

  4. I just love wicker especially during the summer! :D Pretty!

  5. oh so adorable....

    Thank you for sharing your lovable two with us.

    Wishing you a pinkishly beautiful weekend.

  6. Hello Sandy~
    Tiercy is an unsual and pretty nice you have the wicker chair from your grandparents :)
    Happy Pink Saturday~

  7. I love the chair! The bears are pretty cute too :)
