
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Slip Covered Ottoman

The Fabric

Remember when mauve and blue was the fashion in the 1980s?  

In the early 90s I fell in love with this flowered fabric and made some window valances.  I used some of the left over fabric to sew a slip cover for an old ottoman.

First, I added some batting to the top piece and quilted it.    

Pink Blanket binding for the piping.

Then I made piping using pink blanket binding.  

After attaching the piping I sewed the bottom fabric piece to the quilted top.

The original fabric on the ottoman is dark brown and it's that fabric from the 1950s that never wears out.  I don't know what it's called but it lasts forever but... it's not has a stiffness to it.  

See my rose curtains behind the slipped covered ottoman!

I have a confession to make.  I've had the same curtains in my guest bedroom for over 20 years.  I bought the bedroom set (sheets, quilt cover and curtains at JC Penney for over $600...which was a lot for me to pay at that time).  I guess you can tell I'm not one to change things just because it's not in style.  I don't use the heavy bed quilt anymore.  That's packed away now. 

I should start sewing again...but then I would have to put down my crocheting.    

Welcome to Beverly's Pink Saturday .  Click on her link to see more PINK!


  1. Happy Pink Saturday Sandy Sweetie...
    What a gorgeous share. I love this ottoman cover, and the fabric is so pretty. It will go with so many other colors and could fit into so many rooms as well.

    Love that mauve colored piping that you did on the edges. How pretty that is. Those blue flowers look like beautiful morning glories. Love it.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful creation sweetie. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a gorgeous Pink Saturday. Many country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

  2. Blogger is definitely buggy again, so I am having trouble commenting. Bedroom comforters and pillows are expensive these days. I am having a hard time finding something I like in my color (lavender). Blue is always in plenty of bedspreads, etc. xo,

  3. Pretty ottoman - would the tough 1950's fabric be barkcloth?

    Those curtains are in fashion again now, very shabby chic!!

    S x

  4. I like those curtains with the ottoman! You are a talented gal! HPS to you! You really put room together nicely. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the weekend Anne

  5. Fantastic ottoman! I love the fact 'old' florals are making a come back.

