
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

REDnesday - Stars & Stripes

1. Fort McHenry Flag Talk and Demonstration, 2. The rocket's red...flare...!, 3. Untitled, 4. The Flag, 5. Big Flag, 6. Todays contest..., 7. American Flag #3, 8. IMG_0866, 9. LiveStrong Sporting Park

Our beautiful Stars & Stripes!

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

And there are more REDs to enjoy with our host, Sue, at 

It's A Very Cherry World

for REDnesday!


  1. I love the flags and the color combination. So much so I made my hanging baskets red/white/blue however another pretty cool summer in Homer is keeping them from fullness and making for slow growth. I'm not really seeing all the colors coming out yet.

  2. Our country really does have a beautiful flag.

  3. Have a happy and safe Fourth of July, Sandy! xo,

  4. Well I'm sure you can guess how much I love this post! Anything with the good old red, white and blue is fine by me!
    Happy REDnesday and Happy 4th of July!

  5. A great patriotic sharing.

  6. I see much patriotism on this blog, red is powerful when used in the right places, isn't it?

  7. Wonderful patriots shots! Have a fun 4th of July!
