
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mosaic Monday - What's Bloomin'?

Our Viburnum Snowball is blooming those beautiful white flowers!  

I swear this shrub is over eight feet tall now. 

It is just gorgeous!

What a stunning Viburnum Snowball Shrub!

And a very Blessed 

Happy Mother's Day 

to all the Moms out there and especially to those daughters, like myself, whose beloved Moms have gone to heaven.

Please join Mary at The Little Red House (here) for more Mosaic Monday!


  1. That is one gorgeous huge snowball bush! I don't have anything blooming here yet. My lilacs are full of buds but still closed, my snowball/hydrangea (not sure what it is exactly) is half bare branches/half new leaves, my poor little white fig tree is completely bare, no buds on the rose bush yet........(sigh)

  2. It is NOT Monday, you cheater! Ha-ha. I stay confused on what day it is usually. This does not help me at all, Sandy. ;)

    Your bush is absolutely gorgeous. Does it bloom all the time or just one grand bloom? I've never heard of that bush before. It must only do well in milder climates than here, which is hotter than the face of the sun in summer. I'll have to check it out because that is really amazing.

  3. That snowball plant is lovely. Growing up my dad had one in the backyard. Unfortunately we cannot grow them here or I would. The only thing coming up here are the green shoots on my spectacular Blue Poppies. They love the cold and cannot grow in hot places. Also I have some tiny bulbs in my little fairy garden which are up and blooming.

  4. *lesigh* J'adore those lovely snowball bushes!!!! :D I would love to have one in my garden!

  5. That is a stunning shrub in flower. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  6. Oh, I really want one of those snowball bushes. The flowers are beautiful!!! Nancy

  7. Truly a sensational snowball. Just gorgeous!

  8. What a riot of snow white blossoms! A true celebration of Spring's arrival!

  9. Wonderful! The bush is just breathtaking! Thank you for sharing! Wishing you a wonderful week! Cathy

  10. Oh, my ... that is one, huge, stunning snowball! Amazing! Happy Monday!

  11. Wow! I've never seen snowball viburnum look so gorgeous! It is absolutely smothered in blooms!

  12. WOW! So beautiful! My Mom has the same bushes in her yard and she always tells me it blooms for Mother's day every year.

    Happy MM!

  13. I LOVE your snowball plant! I am wanting one for our yard, too!

    Thanks for your sweet comment today! ((hugs))


  14. Sad to say that our snowball bush did not make it through the winter. Yours is just lovely.
