
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mosaic Monday - Easter Baskets

Images Courtesy of Flickr

Aren't these just the cutest Easter Baskets?  

I found these images on Flickr.

We have two vintage Easter baskets similar to the third photo on the right courtesy of my sweet MIL who saved my Hubby's childhood ones.  I can still remember waking up on Easter morning and finding a beautiful basket by my bedside.  I loved the cute, tiny, colorful chicks that decorated the baskets.  I wish I had saved some.  

I guess I will have to drag my Easter decorations out of the basement soon.  I do so love to decorate at Easter... especially displaying my bunnies.

Please join Mary at The Little Red House (here) for more Mosaic Monday!


  1. It's almost that time - ours are in the attic and I'll have to take an afternoon to get everything down.

  2. Sandy, that bunny in a basket is the cutest thing! Did you make it?

  3. These are darling. In fact I just bought one from Diane Mars who has the Saturday Finds blog. It was too cute to pass up and I will probably give it to my daughter.
