
Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Made Explore!

I made Explore!

I'm speechless...I can't believe it!

My Flickr sidebar shows one photo of mine in Explore this morning!  

For those of you who don't use Flickr...Explore is an special category in Flickr where certain photos are selected daily based upon criteria that make the photo extra interesting and unique.  I guess it's like getting a "gold star" from your teacher for your artwork or homework.  

To find out what photos of yours make Explore you have to go to and click on "Scout".  

This is my photo that made it...

My First Explore Photo

March 9, 2011



What a day!  


  1. Wow! Well done. And thanks for the info on how to find out if any of my photos made Explore.

  2. Congrats Sandy...
    That's so cool...
    Thanks for the tip on how to find this...I had no idea...

  3. Well done! I can see why that photo was chosen!

  4. Congrats, Sandy!!
    I laughed when I read your note saying that when you were doing the post of the Broadwalk Hotel, you thought of me!! I sent this post to several of my friends, including Lisa Lewis, Victoriana Lady. We would all love to visit there. I loved the place. I did check out the web site and they have a blog!!! How exciting!!
    Thanks so much for that post! It made my day!!

