
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Lights

I took some videos of our foyer and living room all decorated for Christmas.

I think it is pretty with the lights shining at night.

Hubby says I have to work at not shaking the Flip video camera while filming but it's so light weight that's not as easy as it sounds.   So...sorry about the shaking videos.   

I love the Flip video camera...we got it for our trip to Alaska this summer.  It's so small it fits right into my purse. 

As many of you may have noticed I have been experimenting with videos on my blog.  I finally discovered I can download them on Flickr and then copy the HTML code into Blogger to post.  

When I tried previously to download them directly from my computer it didn't work at all.  And I didn't want to post them on YouTube.  Flickr limits the size of the video so I have to watch that.  Something new to learn every day for this old lady. 

I'm getting excited about Christmas.  We are traveling via car to the Mid-West (Ohio) to spend Christmas with our brothers and their families.  Oh, how I wish we all could live closer together.

When we were working we looked forward to the time after Christmas through New Years to be home...relaxing...celebrating our Christmas...and welcoming the New Year.  Now that we are retired we find we are still looking forward to it. 

Wrapping and packing is all done...dinner is made to pop into the oven tonight and tomorrow we get up early to start our road trip. 

We might come back home to snow....keep your fingers crossed for us.   



  1. Just beautiful!

    Have a safe and Merry Christmas with friends and family!

  2. Have a great and safe trip Sandy, and the best Christmas among family!! Taking it slow, and spending time with dear family never grows tired in anybody. I think. I'm sure you will all have a great time.
    Lovely lights! Christmas lights always bring a smile on people's faces, don't you think? Good job with the video taking!
    Feliz Navidad! to you and your dear ones.

  3. I love the Christmas tree in your library. How pretty! *and more videos* Love them!

  4. I knew you'd have everything lovely for Christmas. Take care driving to visit your family. Christmas can be such a dangerous time on the roads.
    Have a lovely time. See you when you return
    Merry Christmas

  5. I enjoyed your videos- lovely home you have.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.


  6. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year dear Sandy and thank you for all your kind visits and comment,
    much love

  7. Merry Christmas Sandy!
    Hope your holiday is filled joy and Peace...
    have fun with that camera. Looks like lots of fun.
    I've had a great time getting to know you this year and calling you my friend!

  8. Sandy, your home looks beautiful! Merry Christmas to you and your family. XO!!
