
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

REDnesday - Snowmen!

Courtesy of Flickr and Generous Flickr Members

1. ~~ Just a Jingle or Two ~~, 2. ~~ Falling Smiles ~~, 3. Vintage Wrapping Paper from Pete-(mankatt), 4. ~~ Blushing ~~, 5. Merry Christmas!, 6. Snowman Bokeh (Explored), 7. ~~ Classy Dresser ~~, 8. ~~ Lovable ~~, 9. ; )

RED and Snowmen...what could be a better combination?  

Aren't they CUTE!

I love Santa Claus but I love Snowmen too!

More REDs to enjoy here and at our host, Sue, at 

It's A Very Cherry World

for REDnesday!


  1. Hi Sandy,
    I love the snowmen they are so darling and they are wearing RED (I love RED)! I really adore your tissue cover for Christmas...I really must make some for gifts..I think they are just so fun and colorful.
    Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

  2. You are giving me so many holiday blog ideas!! This is a wonderful snowman collage! So pretty ornaments :o) I have my very own snowman collection, too, in figurines, stuffed characters, tree ornaments, plates...I should share them! once they are out and on display.
    Thanks for sharing! I love how the Christmas spirit is spreading already :o)
    have a great day!

  3. These sweet snowmen are all so cute, don't you just love snowmen.

  4. Very cute indeed dear Sandy.;)) Yes, very soon snow will cover our landscape once again.;) I love to come here as you definitely get me into the Holiday spirit.;)

  5. Sandy,
    I just adore all of them!! There is something about a snow man....
    Debbie@ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  6. I loved seeing all the cure snowmen. Won't be long till they might truly appear.

  7. These snowmen are just the cutiest! And I love the collage! (They really make me smile!)
    So interesting about blogger only allowing us a certain number of followers - that so disappointing because I love going through the list to see what's new at my favorite sites - and I have at least a hundred of them already (only been blogging for 2 months!)! So glad you had the space to follow along! Makes me feel good to know you are visiting!

  8. Sandy, I love love love your banner at the top of your blog. And the red and snowmen collection, yummy, yummy. Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway. I will be watching for your's too.

  9. Sandy, this is a great post! I bet no one can look at a snowman and not smile!
