
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

REDnesday - Merry Kringle

I decided to add a border of small (two rounds) solid color granny squares around my base of 36 larger granny squares.  I'm thisclose to finishing this round.   It's a work in progress (WIP).

My colors of red, green, blue and yellow repeated around in solid colors granny squares.  I'm making up my edging as I go - no pattern here.  I planned to block this when I completed it but I read that only natural fibers can be blocked.  Darn...this is acrylic yarn.

I made a mistake and had to frog three solid color squares to get to one of the large squares where I missed a space with the red round.  I just cut into the round and added the double crochets in red where needed.  So glad that worked.

Do you make boo-boos too?

I also joined a knitting and crocheting community on line called Ravelry (here).   It's a fantastic FREE website where I can download my photos from Flickr easily to post about my crochet projects.   It's so neat now I can track my crochet/knitting projects (when started, finished, yarn used, hook used etc.).  Now I can look back to see what yarn was used and if the item is washable.   Now if I could just figure out how to put a Ravelry button on my blog...tried it and it didn't work.  May have to get an appointment with the "Tech Guy" (i.e., hubby) for a consultation.   LOL!

Blog over to our sweet host, Sue, at It's A Very Cherry World (here) for more REDnesday!  You will be delighted with wonderful REDs in blogland.

Today we are in Billings, MT.  It's a housekeeping day...laundry and groceries and errand running.  I have a small cold so I'm resting as much as I can.  We just spent two travel days of over 400 miles each day to get here from Seattle, WA.  Today is so beautiful.  MT is known as the "Big Sky Country" and it is today....all blue and no clouds.  It's warm enough we turned on the RV A/C - first time in months we have had to use it on our Alaska trip.

Sandy at Teacup Lane


  1. Wow this is awesome!!I like it because you made it and it's very colorful!
    Red Oldsmobile

  2. I love the colors in this afghan. It goes perfect in my family room!Just kidding. You are doing a great job on this!

  3. So it's starting to warm up. We have 4 days of sunshine as you can see in my photos. I love the colors in your project there, really nice. Have a very safe trip home.

  4. I think Granny squares are soothing to make.
    I can remember making vests for my girls when they were little!
    Wonder what happened to those?
    Probably a garage sale !!!!
    Keep up the good work sweetie
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  5. Your afghan is darling! Hope you feel better soon and continued fun on your trip.

    Happy Rednesday,

  6. I love your colorful afghan !Very Nice !

  7. Love the afghan! I am a knitter and crcohet too! Hope to see your completed afghan!

  8. Sandy, This is the perfect post for me to visit! Your afghan contains my most favorite color combinations. I have made one myself and have one from Twyla in just these colors! I had to giggle at mention of your mother's slim ankles. Sigh, my daughter bemoan the fact that we both have thick ones. Thank you so much for sharing your sweet memory! Elizabeth

  9. I am in the middle of a crocheting project as I type. I can't wait to see it all once it's pieced together. Love, love, LOVE the color choices you chose to work with...fantastic. I'll be sure to post some photos of it when I'm done in a week or two.

    Now I'm going to have to go check out the website link you shared. Thanks for stopping's much appreciated.

  10. I just joined Ravelry. Again, thanks.

  11. Hi Sandy, I love the colors of your afghan and the fact that you decided to add a smaller border. You asked if we ever made mistakes....I am the queen of mistakes!!
    I've visited Montana one time, just drove through the state but what a lovely, lovely state. Your right about the big sky. Enjoy!
    The Tattered Tassel

  12. Looks great, I love granny squares!

  13. That's so cute - I love everything hademade because it is then unique!
    What a great site this is -will be back soon to read through earlier posts…

    Have a great week too,

    btw My Rednesday post: “Can you give me directions?” Do stop by!

  14. OOh such a pretty post Sandy!
    Such wonderful colours you are using there,
    well done!
    Hugs Suex

  15. Very happy afgan! Sorry you have a cold, hope it gets better soon. We are expecting very warm weather here in North Dakota today and tomorrow so hope it stays relatively cool for you. I have never been to Montana, it is on my list though!

  16. Hi Sandy,
    I am in love with your colors for your granny square favorite colors..
    I adore a granny afghan, its the fist pattern I learned when I was a little girl. I can't wait to see it all done. Where are you going to put it?.
    Have a sweet day and hugs~Elizabeth

  17. Sandy,
    Elizabeth and I are sisters seperated at birth! Everything she said I agree with!!!! These colors just make me happy! Twyla from Crazy Crafters made me an afghan from these colors too! It is one of my favorite things! :) Sandy

  18. Granny squares and red yarn- a perfect combination ! have a great weekend
    Louise x

  19. Those are some really pretty granny squares you have there - I love the colour combination too - it's really cheerful!

  20. I'm trying a giant granny blanket as a learning project and I have to say it is very addictive. Thanks for inspiring me with your crochet.

  21. Oh, this colour combination is amazing! You should open a shop selling your stunning crochet work.;))

  22. This afghan is so pretty and would look so pretty in my kitchen. I think I am a bit afaid to attempt something like this - but I lOVE IT! Red is so yummy!
    Hugs, Patti
