
Sunday, May 2, 2010

View Into My China Cabinet

I'm not sure why but I like this view into my China cabinet.  If you look closely you can see a little me taking the photo reflected in the silver sugar bowl.  Isn't this cranberry glass goblet pretty?  It belonged to my MIL.  The silver sugar n' creamer set was given to us on our wedding day - passed down from my hubby's aunt (his Mother's sister) who sadly passed away before we married.  The white China flower in the foreground was a 25th wedding anniversary gift many years ago.  We will be celebrating our 36th anniversary later this month while on the road to Alaska.   

Have a lovely Sunday!   


  1. Not only beautiful, but what treasures.

  2. I love that view too.;) And the composition of that picture is lovely:;))
    I hope your weekend was wonderful dear Sandy,

  3. Someone has been playing with their new lens.

    Someone better come over for a visit. Big News...

    Kate - The Garden Bell
