
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

REDnesday - Roses are RED

Our “Deep Red Beauty”

Roses Are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Sugar is Sweet,
And So Are You!

It’s REDnesday!

The previous owners of our home planted this rose bush .  So...unfortunately I don't know it's true name.  But I'm calling it "Deep Red Beauty".  This photo was taken in 2004.  She is a beauty... isn't she? 

We are in the final stages of packing for our upcoming RV trip to Alaska.  Almost everything listed on our "to do" list is done.  This morning I was cleaning out the refrigerator and dumping food down our garbage disposal when all of a sudden I noticed I was standing in water.  Water was pouring out from under the sink.  I yelled for hubby and turned everything off.  We discovered a hole in our garbage disposal the size of a dime.   Of course we don't have time now to replace it.  But we were happy that it wasn't our water pipes that were broken and leaking.  Doesn't it always seem that things happen like this just as you are trying to get ready to leave to go somewhere?  I think it is called Murphy's Law. 

Please blog over to our host Sue at It's a Very Cherry World (here) to see other REDnesday posts.

Update:  One of my readers identified the rose as a "Papa Meilland" which is apparently one of the world's most fragrant red hybrid Tea Rose.  It is known for it's rich, deep, velvet red color .

Sandy at Teacup Lane


  1. Good thing you were home when that happened though, so that the water wasn't just sitting there ruining your floor while you were gone! Love your red rose, and the deep red color. I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip to Alaska! I bet it will be the trip of a lifetime. My aunt and uncle took a trip there, and they had so many amazing stories to share. Make sure to take lots of pictures, ok?!
    Happy REDnesday!

  2. Hi looks like the Papa Mieland rose I have growing in my garden. If it is, it has the most beautiful fragrance too!

    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  3. Sandy, Don't sweat the small stuff...go and have a wonderful time in Alaska!!
    Love that rose. I bet it smells good, too!
    The Tattered Tassel

  4. Hope you have a lovely trip.
    Are you taking us with you? Hope so I love to hear about other people's travel adventures.

  5. Amazing rose. In this photo, it looks like velvet.
    Sorry about your "Murphy's Law." Thank goodness it didn't happen during your trip to Alaska. Have a safe trip and a great time.

  6. What a beautiful, deep red rose...
    How exciting with a trip planned, it will be an adventure I am sure.;) And I sure know all about Murphy's law.;))
    Have a great day Sandy,

  7. Sandy,
    The rose is beautiful - looks like velvet.

    Have a wonderful trip.


  8. Time to hit the road. It will still be there when you get back to fix. Ann is right, don't sweat the small stuff. Thx Goodness it wasn't the pipe. Have a great trip and remember to take tons and tons of pictures to share. Is Black Beauty going along for the ride or are you starting something new?

    Travel Safely,
    Kate - T.G.B.

  9. That Red Rose is stunning -- it looks as if it is made of velvet. Fabulous! Have a grand time in Alaska!

  10. Pretty Rose. At least you were home when the leak happened. Have a great trip!

  11. Oh, Sandy, it looks like a luscious red velvet robe that I would love to wrap around myself!

    Yup, Murphy has laws on the books in all 50 states!

  12. I agree with Sue, it does indeed look like velvet! What a beauty!!

    Susan and Bentley

  13. Hi Sandy,

    There must be something wrong with my computer as I cant see the rose. Roses especially red ones are my favorite since Alice in Wonderland. I believe in Murphy's Law. I just had my lower bathroom all renovated, did a load of laundry upstairs and a pipe burst. All my new bathroom ceiling collapsed under the weight of water. It will get fixed again but I wished it had happened before the renos LOL Thanks for sharing! Happy RR I'm a new follower!


  14. Hi Sandy,
    I love your pretty blog. Thanks for stopping to see mine and leaving the nice comments.
    Cheers! Rita

  15. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your leak - isn't that just the way, something always pops up when it's the most inconvenient.

    Gorgeous rose! It looks so velvety and soft. Pretty pretty pretty!

    Happy Rednesday,

  16. Yep, I thought velvet too and I see others thought the same. Just gorgeous!

    What an exciting trip you have planned! Long way to drive but great scenery once you get past the corn. ;o)

  17. This rose is sooooo velvety!!! My mom and dad were supposed to take a RV trip to Alaska 31 years ago!! BUT she got cancer and died within the same year and never fulfilled her dream. So glad you are getting to do it!

  18. That rose is gorgeous. I just ordered and planted a rose called Hot Chocolate that looks much like your rose. It is about 18 inches high now and has two buds. Can't wait for it to open, they are supposed to be a chocolaty Red. I ordered it from Jackson and perkins, so we will see.

  19. Hi, I hope you have a fun trip and are able to leave your troubles behind! Thanks for sharing your beautiful rose.

  20. Sandy,

    That gorgeous rose almost looks as if it is velvet!

    Have a wonderful and safe trip!!


  21. Amazing rose - like velvet!

    - The Tablescaper
