
Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Blog Banner

It's Show n' Tell Friday!

My paternal Grandmother set aside this lovely Rose Bud English Bone China tea set for me and I cherish it.  It includes the tea pot, sugar n' creamer and four teacups and saucers.  I was very close to my Dad's mother growing up and I have such wonderful, fond memories of her.   The Hansel doll clothes brush was my dear Mother's and the rose plate belonged to my maternal Grandmother.  I love having these precious items in my blog banner.  
Some of you who are followers of my blog probably have guessed why my blog name is Teacup Lane.  I have a small collection of teacups - the majority have been passed down through my paternal Grandmother and Mother, some from my MIL and a few collected by me over the years.   However, that isn't how I came up with my blog name.  When I retired I decided that I didn't want to spend my retirement years cleaning house as I did all through my working years.  So I have a cleaning service  come every other week to give my home a good, through cleaning.  It's so nice to have the full house clean - swept and dusted upstairs and down - all in one day.  One rule I had, though, was that the girls were not to dust my teacups and other collections not behind glass doors.  I didn't want to take any chances something cherished would be broken.  One time after cleaning my home one of the cleaning ladies remarked that I had a lovely "cottage" home.  I must admit I was surprised because I never thought I had a design style.  The lady then said they called me "the Teacup Lady" because of my teacups.  I thought that was funny.  They said it wasn't unusual for them to name their clients and not all names were so nice as mine.  We had a good laugh over this.  So when I was setting up my blog I was scratching my head trying to come up with a decent name.  Then I thought of the cleaning ladies and what they said and decided to use the name Teacup Lane.   

So... that's how my blog name and banner was born.  

Please visit our host for Show n' Tell Friday - Cindy at My Romantic Home (here) - to see other bloggers fantastic posts. 


  1. Such a cute story about how you came up with your banner name. I think teacup lady would have worked, too.

  2. Hi Sandy.. I love how your name was born.. fun story!
    I was very close to my fathers mother too.. and I inherited from her quite a few teacups.. So I know how precious these are to you:-)

  3. I think we have something in common! our love for teacups and china! lol I really love your banner photos. infact I love your china set in there too! shelly kindda cups and coffee pot just stunning and too die for! you are so luck to have a complete set!

    Have a good weekend!

  4. Sandy, this was one of my favorite post f yours! What a great story explaining the name of your blog and the picture in your header.
    Absolutely lovely hobby - trait to collect tea cups. There is something infinitely fragile in china and very sentimental in the china that is passed onto us.
    Beautiful teacups!
    have a lovely Friday dear friend,

    PS: I envy you your cleaning service, I too would haply do without needing to clean my house for hours each weekend.;)

  5. OOh thats a lovely story. I am so pleased your collections are being looked after. What a good name too. My Grandmother always drank out of a china cup and saucer. These collections are so beautiful too. My Mother cleans peoples houses at 80! She just loves it and it gives her a purpose every day as my Father is no longer with us.
    A very good name for your banner too SAndy
    Have a good weekend love Suex

  6. First of all, I have been to your area of PA and it is so very pretty. I love that tea set!! It's just as sweet as it can be. I love floral china, blue and white china and more. It's truly a passion of mine. It's nice to meet you and I am your newest follower.

    Susan and Bentley

  7. I treasure the things I have from my grandmother too! Your china is beautiful!

  8. I love your china and I liked hearing how your blog name and banner came about!


  9. That set is beautiful and so special since it was your grandmothers. I love having things that mean something. The plant holder on my door came from Michaels. It was dark brown and I spray painted it white and then aged it with some glaze. Dark things don't show up well on my door either.

  10. That's a great story how the name came about. If you are going to be traveling in May in BC , the Yukon, and Alaska it won't be looking all that green or lush you realize as May is break-up month in Alaska and not by far the prettiest time to visit. Not until July are the wildflowers all in bloom and all the foliage is out and green. Nan

  11. Lovely, justlovely. You would have loved my Mums collection
    Kindest Regards Linda

  12. Enjoyed your story about the "Teacup Lady" and love your set of China.
    I envy your cleaning crew as I would LOVE to have one myself!!!!

  13. Nice post Sandy! I love your blog name. I sometimes wish I had picked an easier name for my blog ... when I began it three years ago I didn't think anyone would read it but me! :-)

  14. Hi Sandy,
    That was a good idea to have the cleaning ladies. It's nice you got one of the nice names! I love your Hansel clothes brush and your beautiful china, it's always nice to know the story behind it!
