
Friday, March 26, 2010

New Blogger Template

I have a new Blogger Template!  

It all happened when I received an email last evening from Blogger about the new Designer Template.   When I first started blogging I picked a template called "Sand Dollar" from the new template selections.  I liked it except for the header photo showing up in the left margin - I couldn't get the header photo to be centered.  So image my surprise when I received this email telling me about new Blogger features.  I didn't know there was a Blogger draft mode that let one select the Designer Template tab where you could play with brand new templates.  But I thought let's give it a try.  I found this new template called "Watermark".  It was so easy to pick my new template and try different layouts, backgrounds and fonts (although I would have liked to have more fonts available) with the new template and apply my final selections to my blog.  I am so happy my header is more centered now.  I also made my first photo collage in Picasa and posted it here.  

How do you like my new Blogger template?


  1. Hello Sandy

    I have only just read your comment - sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have pleasure in following you too!

    I keep meaning to have a go at photo collaging. They always look so petty. Love all your delicate china - I can see why you called your blog Teacup Lane!

    I will be back for more!

    Jeanne x

  2. It is lovely Sandy, and so very Easter and spring like. Love your collage, I am a big fan of them myself.;) It is so much fun to renew and play around with different designs.;)
    Have a lovely Friday.

  3. Love it. It really brightens up you blog. Always remember you can't break it. Just change it back if you don't like it. Have fun playing around with all your new finds.

    Have a great weekend my friend.

  4. So-o-o-o very pretty & Springy!!
    Happy Spring!!

  5. Hi Sandy,
    I do like your new template and the colors. I also like your collage. It all turned out so nice!

  6. Sandy-

    I like the new template on your blog.

    Turned out great- I also like the collage. Good job. I need to try to make one of those

    also, thanks for reading Casual-Cottage

  7. I like the new template - had a quick look myself on Friday, but just don't feel like playing with it at the moment. Thanks though for showing how it works
