
Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Collection & 100th Post

In celebration of my 100th post I thought I would share with you my collection of miniature china pitchers - many vintage.  

This collection was started by my paternal Grandmother, added to by pieces passed down by my MIL..and enhanced with others that I collected on various trips over the years.  

It hangs proudly in my dining room where I can view it easily and often.  Each piece either holds fond memories of loved ones no longer here or memories of trips enjoyed with my beloved hubby over the years. 

Do you have a collection that is dear to you?


  1. Congrats Sandy on reaching 100. Doesn't it feel great. Just look how far you have come and all the new friends you have made since starting.

    Just look at all those pitchers. Very cute.

    Keep it up.

    Kate - The Garden Bell

  2. Hi Sandy! What a lovely collection, gal!! It would be hard for me to pick a fave!!

    YAY for your 100th post!! Blogging is just so much fun isn't it??!!

    Hope your weekend is going well!!

  3. Congratulations on your 100th post!;))
    What a lovely collection as well. Beautiful and priceless, in memories and value.;)
    Have a lovely Sunday,

  4. Hi Sandy thanks for visiting my blog. I've been looking through your past posts here. So you are bringing the RV all the way up to Alaska from PA then. That is one long trip. Have you figured out how many miles yet?
    We moved from northern CA in 01 and drove up here it was 3300 miles. Keep in touch. I'm following you now. Nan

  5. Congratulations on reaching 100!!!!!
    The pitchers are lovely and quite a collection

  6. Congratulations Sandy
    Sorry I missed the day but well done anyway.
    Glad you have shared another little piece of yourself with us.
