
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas JOY!

Our snowman sends J.O.Y. to all my blogging buddies!


And these vintage Santas and Reindeer hope you all have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!  

I can't believe it been a little over a month since I started blogging!  I have met so many new blogging friends and been overwhelmed by the wonderful and gracious comments left by all of you!  
God Bless Each And Everyone of You!  


  1. Hope you have a happy day. Drive carefully. I hope the roads are OK with all that snow around.

    Isn't it hard to remember what life was like before we started to blog?

  2. Thank you and I wish you a Merry Christmas too!

  3. Hey Sandy! Love your vintage Santas and of course the joyful snowman!! So glad you started blogging! You are such a sweetie pie, and have a lot to share with blogland!!

    Christmas blessings to you!

  4. I had a red flocked deer just like that, but my daughter loved him so much, she snitched him and took him to college with her. :-) Love it when the next generation catches the vintage bug.
    Merry Christmas to you!

  5. I hope you had a great Christmas and good weather for the holidays. Here's wishing you a good New Year !! Take care of yourself and only good wishes for you and yours in the upcoming year.
