
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Alaska Highway - Toad River Lodge

No, we aren't home yet.  We are still in Alaska.  Today is our 71st day on the road since we left home for Alaska.  Currently we're in Palmer (just north of Anchorage) at a RV Park with excellent WiFi so I'm able to use my MAC laptop with good downloading capability.  So, I thought it's about time I share some photos of our drive up to Alaska.  
This blog post is about the Toad River Lodge in British Columbia.  We stayed at their RV Park on June 12 while working our way north to Alaska.

Toad River Lodge is on the Alaska Highway.   Guess what they are famous for?

Here's a glimpse....

Yep..hats...thousands of them...all hanging from their cafe ceiling!  

Isn't this a hoot!

Stay tuned... more Alaska Highway posts coming.

Sandy at Teacup Lane

Christmas Past

It's Show and Tell Friday!

I love this vintage looking toy horse.  And my Teddy Bear in the cute black and white checkered coat.  I love her black hat and veil and her red purse.

Hubby gave me the Teddy Bear with the cranberry velvet robe.  See the cute Teddy Bear couple pin!  And the Teddy Bear wreath!

See my vintage Christmas bulbs...don't they look pretty sitting on my candle holders.  My little pink Teddy Bear is holding a very tiny teddy bear ornament.

I hope you enjoyed my Christmas Past.  Please join our lovely host, Cindy, at My Romantic Home (here) for more Show and Tell Friday.

Sandy at Teacup Lane

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

REdnesday - Merry Kringle

Introducing "Kringle"!
It's Never Too Early to Think "Christmas" and RED!   And what could be better than a Ty Beanie Baby named "Kringle" ...all dressed up as Santa Claus.

Kringle asked me to tell you he worked very hard crocheting the first four granny squares.  Because of all his hard work I've decided to honor him and name this Granny Square throw after him..."Merry Kringle".
Five rounds Granny Square - with the 4th round blue and the 5th round red.

Please join our host, Sue, at "It's a Very Cherry World" (here) for more REDnesday!

Before you know it Christmas will be here!

Sandy at Teacup Lane

Monday, July 26, 2010

It's Finally Finished!

Remember all of these colors?  I used them again except for the white...

I crocheted lots of Granny are some Up Close...

The border in light purple, deep purple, ocean blue and light purple...two rows of each color...

My Crazy Colors....

Colorful Granny Squares and my border of purples and ocean blue....

One corner...

Another corner....

Presenting my "Alaska Crazy Colors" Throw!

There are 144 granny squares of three colors (12 rows by 12).  I used 16 different colors shown above in the first photo in the granny squares.  The yarn was Caron's "Simply Soft" 100% acrylic and I used a H hook.  I used the "join as you go" method which I just loved.. it is so easy and has a lovely finish.

The edging starts off with 3 colors..2 rows of granny square stitch (3 dc in each space) in the colors of light purple*, deep purple and ocean blue*. (*these are new colors not used in any of the granny squares)

The final edge is light purple:
1st row:  a sc in a space, chain five, sc in next space all the way around (adjusting as needed to make even) and then;
2nd row:  sc in previous row's sc then sc, hdc, dc, dc, hdc, sc in next space repeated all the way round.
I'm so proud of myself for finishing this project.  I can't believe I did this because I haven't been crocheting that long.  Hoping I can inspire other bloggers to take up this delightful hobby.  

If I can do this...crocheting right handed when I am left handed... anyone can.

Please join our host, Mary, at The Little Red House, (here) for more Mosaic Monday!

Also check out Annemarie's Breiblog (here) for great crocheting!

Sandy at Teacup Lane 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Favorite Couple

Here's a hint....

And another one....

Ta da....It's Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Mouse!

I collect thimbles and one year my hubby surprised me with these Minnie and Mickey Mouse thimbles for my collection.  Aren't they adorable?  Sooooo cute!

I picked up the Mickey Mouse coffee demitasse cup and saucer on one of our trips to Walt Disney World.  I love the bright colors and the black edging on the saucer.

Please join our host Cindy at My Romantic Home (here) for more Show and Tell Friday!

Sandy at Teacup Lane

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Glorious RED!

It's REDnesday!

Can it get anymore RED than this?

When I saw these strikingly RED flowers while touring Alaska I grabbed my camera and shot away.

 Hubby thinks I'm crazy taking photos of flowers all the time.  LOL!

Please join our host Sue at It's a Very Cherry World (here) for more REDnesday!

Sandy at Teacup Lane

Monday, July 19, 2010

Stunning Alaska Blooms!

It's Mosaic Monday!

I'm crazy about the flowers here in Alaska!


Hope you enjoyed these beautiful blooms!  

Please join our host Mary at The Little Red House (here) for more Mosaic Monday!

Sandy at Teacup Lane

Friday, July 16, 2010

Black and White!

It's Show and Tell Friday!

I blogged about our guest bathroom previously and thought it would make a nice post for Cindy's at My Romantic Home Show and Tell Friday.

This is my inspiration piece - a picture we bought of downtown Montreal while on a trip there many years ago.  I love the pastel coloring with the black outlines.

I found this lovely lamp at Homegoods in a black and white toile...

And these pretty black and white bird plates also purchased at Homegoods...

And I added some new white bath towels and black hand towels.  And I displayed a beautiful white crocheted doily I purchased at a craft fair for the toilet top.

And I couldn't resist the black sign (Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often) above the mirror.

I love the simple white shower curtain with the black ribbon trim.  You can see it reflected in the mirror.

I'm thinking of making a shade for the window in white muslin with black trim -- one of these days when we are home and not traveling.  And I need to get new rugs on the floor.

Please join our host Cindy at My Romantic Home (here) for more Show and Tell Friday!  

Thanks for coming on my tour of my guest room.   

You can find out about my wall color (here) in a previous posting.

Sandy at Teacup Lane

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Where are my feet?

Where are my feet?

First hint...Sheldon Air Service...

The weather report at Base Camp on Mt. McKinley....SEVERE CLEAR.  You can't get better than that.

And there we are up in the air and in the distance you can see just a small white cloud over Mt. McKinley...

Here we are flying around Mt. McKinley...up close and personal...

Mt. McKinley is the tallest mountain in North America....over 22,000 feet!

Lots of very deep snow everywhere...

The landing field on the can see the tracks of the airplanes landings...

Our plane on the glacier....the ice is over 5,000 feet deep on this glacier!

Hubby getting ready to throw a snowball...

And there we are on a glacier with Mt. McKinley in the background just six miles away!  The weather was beautiful!  I'm holding a snowball too.  The snow is soft and our feet sunk down into it as we walked around.

I can't even describe how wonderful this experience was and how lucky we were...because only 30% of visitors are lucky enough to see Mt. McKinley.  It is usually covered with clouds and 70% of visitors NEVER see it.

For example while at Denali National Park we saw the top of Mt. McKinley our first day (but it was over 75 miles away) and the next two days were rainy with clouds covering the whole Alaska Range.   During our bus tour into the park it was overcast, rainy and dark so we never even saw the mountain range.

We waited three rainy and cloudy days at Kalkeena and woke up the last day to see clear blue skies.  We called the air service and got a reservation to fly at 11:00 AM to see Mt. McKinley and have a glacier landing.  By that afternoon clouds had moved in and the mountains were covered again.  One of the air service companies representative told us that they hadn't been doing glacier landings because of the soft snow.  So we were also lucky to be able to land on a glacier.

Hope you enjoyed joining us on our flight of a lifetime.  

Don't forget you can join our host Mary at The Little Red House (here) for more Mosaic Monday postings.

Sandy at Teacup Lane